Center for X-Mechanics

Time:10 May. 2022Source:航空航天学院英文网Author:系统管理员Click:2

Led by academician YANG Wei, Center for X-Mechanics was founded in October 2018. As a bridge between science and engineering, mechanics marches to connect all gaps between fundamentals and applications. It serves as a basic tool of engineering sciences and endeavors to explore the new horizon of mechanics in an extended or crossed form, toward physical sciences, life sciences, and even social sciences. We name this new phase for the development of mechanics X-Mechanics. “X” refers to as “cross” and/or “extended”. The contents of four “crosses” include cross media, cross scales, cross compliances, and cross cyber/physical spaces. These crossing investigations will touch upon the contents, the methodology, the behaviors, and the functions underlying X-Mechanics.

Center Website:
