Soft Matter Research Center of Zhejiang University

Time:10 May. 2022Source:航空航天学院英文网Author:系统管理员Click:3

The center was founded in September 2011. The director of this center is Prof.  Yonggang Huang, who is a professor in Northwestern University of USA, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA; he is also a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Science. Connected with mechanics, the center focuses on the interdisciplinary research fields, including the flexible electronic devices, active soft materials and device control, and medicine and biophysics. The center has established partnerships with many world-famous research teams in the field of soft mechanics, including the team of Profs. Yonggang Huang and J.A. Rogers from Northwestern University of USA (mechanics of flexible electronics), team of Prof. Zhigang Suo from Harvard University (mechanics of intelligent soft materials), team of Prof. Gao Huajian from Brown University (biomechanics), etc. In 2015, the “Flexible Electronics Science and Technology Alliance of Zhejiang University” was set up based on this center. Prof. Weiqiu Chen, who is the deputy director of the center, was appointed as the chief scientist of the alliance.

(right photo taken by LU Shaoqing)
